Vacuum Lifters

Products for category Vacuum Lifters

Vacuum Lifters

Vacuum lifters are one of the most commonly used products for dealing with different work pieces. Gentle, safe & quick lifting technology. Whether you need to lift drums, place stone slabs, move plate steel or wood panel, vacuum lifters technology allows you to carry out your handling tasks in a gentle, safe and quick manner. Vacuum lifting devices will provide reliable support in the most difficult of handling operations.

Loads can be carried effectively in the horizontal and vertical positions – ideal for glass, steel sheets and timber panels etc. Vacuum lifters can be fitted with single or multi point suction cups that can be individually switched on or off at any time. This allows the same head set up to be for a variety of applications. Battery powered units for outside applications i.e. glass window installation are available. Vacuum lifters fitted with a fork hoist attachment activated by remote control enables many products to be effectively moved both indoors and outdoors.

An on-site planning service is available to provide informative advice as to which unit and design best suits your application. Stratalign provides complete systems including free-standing and wall mounted jib cranes along with a diverse range of electric chain hoists to compliment your vacuum lifter.