RWM Heavy-Duty Electric Chain Hoist – Top Hook – Dual Speed – 1500KG Capacity

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RWM Heavy-Duty Electric Chain Hoist – Top Hook – Dual Speed – 1500KG Capacity

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SKU: WR-1500-2/S Categories: ,


RWM hoists can be considered the Ferrari of hoist brands, and not just because they are engineered and manufactured in Italy by an in-house team.

RWM prides itself on engineering excellence: every hoist is hand-crafted from the highest quality materials. As a result, RWM hoists can safely operate in temperatures as low as -20°C and as high as +50°C – an operating range up to 40% larger than other common hoist brands. This makes RWM the go-to hoist for material handling tasks in harsher environments.

RWM hoists are also the ideal option for demanding industrial applications where uptime is critical. While many hoists have a duty cycle of 40%, RWM hoists have duty cycles as high as 15+40%.

RWM hoists and the more common economy hoists are different tools designed for various uses. Just as you wouldn’t invest in a Ferrari as a run-around vehicle, you wouldn’t invest in a RWM hoist if you don’t require the additional quality and reliability that comes with a hand-built, European-engineered masterpiece.

Choose RWM as your go-to hoist for more challenging and demanding situations where quality and durability is paramount.


  • RWM Electric Chain Hoists are manufactured for Stratalign by RWM, Italy who are ISO 9001:2015 Certified.
  • The Hoists are built in compliance with European regulations:
    • Machinery Directive (DM) 2006/42/CE
    • Low Voltage Directive (DBT) 2014/35/UE
    • Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) 2014/30/UE
  • Design Verified by a NZ registered Chartered Professional Engineer.
  • Cylindrical three-phase self-braking motor with an electromagnet, all with class F insulation.
  • The motor brake system is 103V electromechanical spring type.
  • Hoist is IP54 rated.
  • The load limiter clutch is a device that limits the maximum travel both upward and downward and acts as a limiter for overloads.
  • The epicyclical type gearbox is lubricated with permanent grease. It is built in high resistance steel and subjected to heat treatments, thus guaranteeing a long life. With the recommended lubricants the hoist is able to operate in environments with temperatures between -20 ° C and + 50 ° C.
  • The electrical panels are produced according to the CEI-EN 60204 standard with the traditional wiring system.
  • The 24V low voltage transformer allows the hoist to carry out a high number of operations equal to 240 starts / hour.

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    Operating Voltage 400V / 50Hz / 3Ph
    Load Chain Load chain according to EN 818-7-DAT/DT
    Pendant Control Cable 5 metre
    Power Cable ≈ 4.5 metre without plug
    Hoist Protection IP 54
    Classification M5/2m (ISO/FEM)
    Duty cycle / Starts per hour 15+40% / 240
    Insulation Class F
    Operating Temperature -20°C – +50°C
    Control Switch 24V pendant control switch with emergency stop button
    Overload Protection Load limiter clutch acts as limiter for overloads.
    Brake Electromagnetic spring pressure brake, holds the load in the event of power failure
    Limit Switch Electro-mechanical upper and lower limit switch
    Thermal Protection Protected through heat sensor
    WR-1500-1/4 1500 1/4 10 x 28 1 0.5 – 2 90
    WR-1500-2/8 1500 2/8 10 x 28 1 0.7 – 3 102
    WR-1500-3/12 1500 3/12 11 x 31 1 0.7 – 3 102


    MODEL A B B1 ØC C1 C2 C3 D D1 ØG G1 H H1 H2 H3 L M S
    WR-1500-1/4 650 275 50 10 12 34 28 168 265 50 37 250 315 345 660 135 190 390

    MODEL A B B1 ØC C1 C2 C3 D D1 ØG G1 H H1 H2 H3 L S
    WR-1500-2/8 770 130 350 10 12 34 28 282 200 50 37 200 350 305 655 230 505
    WR-1500-3/12 770 130 350 11 13.2 37.4 31 282 200 50 37 200 350 335 685 230 505

    This product has been Design Verified by a New Zealand Registered Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng). A copy of this Certificate is available on request.

    Standard Description
    (DM) 2006/42/CE European Standard Machinery Directive
    (DBT) 2014/35/UE Low Voltage Directive
    (EMC) 2014/30/UE Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive

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